Our entire operation is run by dedicated volunteers. If you’ve enjoyed your visit to Tradewinds & Atlantic Railroad (whether virtual or in person) and you’d like to help support our efforts, a donation would be greatly appreciated! We also accept donations of model trains which we donate to kids or sell on ebay to support our track and club.
Tradewinds & Atlantic Railroad is a 501c(3) organization. Please consult your tax preparer to find out if your gift is tax deductible.
Before we go on, there is something that each new member must understand: We do not wish to have you as a member because we need the money. On the contrary! We are a non-profit, charitable corporation and we make (barely) enough income from our ticket sales to pay for the upkeep of the track, equipment, and insurance. We certainly don’t get rich and absolutely nobody gets paid for what we do.
It is a labor of love; Railroad love one could presume...
So please understand when we say “If you aren’t willing apply some elbow grease and work as a member of the Tradewinds & Atlantic Railroad (TARR) Team and participate in all the fun activities we so richly reward ourselves for all that hard work, then please by all means, do not bother to send in your application or renew your membership.”
If you are still reading and with us, Kudos!! So let's elaborate on that four letter word: WORK. When we say “work”, we mean all kinds of things... not in just a redundant mundane work way, but also in an exciting learn new things and create new stuff work way! Why that might include being an engineer, conductor, stationmaster, ticket sales, mentor, teacher, track maintenance, painting, plumbing, electrical, chief cook & bottle washer or gopher – you name it, the positions are limitless. For us, it doesn’t seem like work because we have fun doing it. No experience needed – we will teach you the skills to do whatever you want to do! Alternately, if you have skills, we would love to put them to use! Some of our members have been known to say that "this is my happy place".
Soooooo We keep our dues low because we really, really, really want your talents and support, not your money!
Memberships are available in these three (3) classes:
Active member:
Persons over the age of 18 who live in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach Counties. Dues $25.00 per calendar year plus a $50.00 one-time initiation fee. 90 day probation period, at least 35 hours of participation during those 90 days. This would include participating in a work day, scheduled every second Saturday of every month and one or both run days which are scheduled every third Saturday & Sunday of every month. One vote. Nametag for Active member at no cost.
Family Membership:
Families over the age of 18 who live in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach Counties. Dues $35.00, plus a $50 one-time initiation fee. Covers Active Member plus spouse and up to two (2) children under 18 that are not Junior Members. 90 day probation period, at least 35 hours of participation during those 90 days. This would include participating in a work day, scheduled every second Saturday of every month and one or both run days which are scheduled every third Saturday & Sunday of every month. One vote per family. Nametags for family members available at cost.
Associate member:
Any adult, over the age of 18 who does not live in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach Counties but still wishes to receive our newsletter. Dues are $15.00 per calendar year, no initiation fee. No voting rights. Nametag available at cost.
Junior member:
Persons under the age of 18 who show an interest in the hobby may join as junior members. An adult who is responsible for the conduct of the junior member must join as an active member. The adult must be present with the junior member at all times while at the club. This could be a friend, family member, big brother or big sister! Junior membership is NOT automatic and is subject to on-going approval by the board of directors. Please ask for details. Dues $10.00 per calendar year, $10.00 initiation fee. No voting rights. Nametag for Junior member at cost.
Active and Junior Members are on probation for 90 days after application and during that time, are expected to perform at least 35 hours of service to the club. Please ask for details. By joining you indicate you understand the above and agree to abide by our rules. Rules can be found in our membership handbook (link below). Dues are non-refundable.
We depend on the hard work of our volunteer members to sustain the club facilities and we look forward to your active participation in club activities. Besides mentoring junion members and working side by side with us, we have several "fun" runs, bbq's and events specifically for active members only! We even travel to other track locations, some of them private, to run the club trains for enjoyment. Because, after all, what would all that hard work be without some fun thrown in!!.
After careful consideration, if you still want to commit to joining us, please fill out the Application For Membership Form below, drop it by in person, email it to mike@livesteamers.org, or go old school and print it out and snail mail it to us. The address is at the bottom of the form. Whichever you choose, we will be delighted to review it for approval!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve our club. Your generous donation will fund our mission which is to educate our visitors about train safety and the inner workings of a real rail yard.